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    A professional conference of ICT officials in the judiciary of Bosnia and Herzegovina was held


    Information and Communication Technology Department of the Secretariat of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 17th and 18th October 2024, in Sarajevo, organized a two-day professional conference on the topic "Directions of the future development of the Judicial Information System in Bosnia and Herzegovina" for ICT officials from the courts and prosecutor's offices in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main goal of the conference was to present achievements so far, current challenges and plans for further development.

    The conference provided a platform for the exchange of experiences and ideas among ICT experts, enabling them to discuss concrete issues concerning the improvement of the Judicial Information System.

    During the conference, the key results achieved by the HJPC BiH, with the support of the European Union, were presented, which are reflected in:

    • Development of the Mid-Term Strategy for the Development of the Judicial Information System, which clearly defines the directions for future improvement and modernization, with the aim of better adapting to the needs of judicial institutions and citizens;
    • Development of a new version of Case Management System in Courts and Prosecutors' Offices (CMS/TCMS), which focuses on improving the efficiency and availability of judicial services. This system enables faster and more transparent management of cases, which improves the work of courts and prosecutor's offices;
    • Certification for the application of international standards ISO 27001 and ISO 20000, which significantly improved the security and quality of electronic services. These standards ensure a high level of data protection and system reliability, which is crucial for maintaining citizens' trust in the judicial system.

    The professional conference was organized within the framework of the "EU Support to BiH’s Justice Reforms" project, which is financed by the European Union and implemented by the HJPC BiH, and which seeks to further improve access to justice for all citizens of BiH.

    SOURCE: High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of BiH, 18th October 2024

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    A professional conference of ICT officials in the judiciary of Bosnia and Herzegovina was held


    Information and Communication Technology Department of the Secretariat of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 17th and 18th October 2024, in Sarajevo, organized a two-day professional conference on the topic "Directions of the future development of the Judicial Information System in Bosnia and Herzegovina" for ICT officials from the courts and prosecutor's offices in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main goal of the conference was to present achievements so far, current challenges and plans for further development.

    The conference provided a platform for the exchange of experiences and ideas among ICT experts, enabling them to discuss concrete issues concerning the improvement of the Judicial Information System.

    During the conference, the key results achieved by the HJPC BiH, with the support of the European Union, were presented, which are reflected in:

    • Development of the Mid-Term Strategy for the Development of the Judicial Information System, which clearly defines the directions for future improvement and modernization, with the aim of better adapting to the needs of judicial institutions and citizens;
    • Development of a new version of Case Management System in Courts and Prosecutors' Offices (CMS/TCMS), which focuses on improving the efficiency and availability of judicial services. This system enables faster and more transparent management of cases, which improves the work of courts and prosecutor's offices;
    • Certification for the application of international standards ISO 27001 and ISO 20000, which significantly improved the security and quality of electronic services. These standards ensure a high level of data protection and system reliability, which is crucial for maintaining citizens' trust in the judicial system.

    The professional conference was organized within the framework of the "EU Support to BiH’s Justice Reforms" project, which is financed by the European Union and implemented by the HJPC BiH, and which seeks to further improve access to justice for all citizens of BiH.

    SOURCE: High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of BiH, 18th October 2024